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The Powerful Mind

As a Holistic Life Coach I have been following some of the “greats” for years. Before “organic” and “natural” became buzz words my individual study began. One of those “greats” was Dr. Mark Hyman of the Cleveland Clinic. He knew in his heart that his studies in medical school gave him the wrong roadmap. That map was pharXaceutical only and he knew this approach does little or nothing to treat the underlying causes of all dis-ease in the body. Functional medicine is the correct approach.

As a boomer many of us have witnessed what happens to the mind as we age. I want to share with you his approach for good brain health that I have practiced for years!!

#1: OPTIMIZE NUTRITION We are made of the stuff we eat. Our biology, biochemistry, and physiology need certain raw materials to run optimally—the right balance and quality of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, the right vitamins and minerals in the right doses, and all the colorful pigments in plant food called phytonutrients that support our well-being and function

#2: BALANCE YOUR HORMONES Our hormones are a symphony of molecules, including insulin, thyroid hormones, sex hormones, stress hormones, and many more. They have to work in harmony for you to be healthy.

#3: COOL OFF INFLAMMATION We must protect and defend ourselves from foreign invaders and abnormal

cells inside our own bodies. When this system is over- or underactive, illness occurs. Inflammation of the brain is a central symptom of almost all psychiatric and neurological conditions, as well as most chronic diseases

#4: FIX YOUR GUT Digesting, absorbing, and assimilating all the food and nutrients we eat is critical for health. Our digestive systems must also protect us from internal toxins, bugs, and potential allergens as well as eliminate wastes.

#5: ENHANCE DETOXIFICATION Our bodies must eliminate all of our metabolic wastes, and all toxins we take in from the environment through our food, air, water, and medications. The toxic burden in the 21st century is overwhelming, and often our bodies can’t keep up. This leads to illness.

#6: BOOST YOUR MITOCHONDRIA Life is energy. When no more energy is produced in your cells, you die. The process of extracting energy from the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe is the most essential process in life. Keeping the metabolic engine running smoothly and protecting it from harm are essential for health. Loss of energy is found in almost all brain disorders.

#7: CALM YOUR MIND A life of meaning and purpose, a life in balance with connection, community, love, support, and a sense of empowerment are essential for health. The overwhelming stresses of the 21st century, including social isolation, overwork, and disempowerment, create enormous stresses on our nervous systems, leading to burnout and breakdown.

When these key systems are out of balance, your brain reacts and you may suffer from a long list of psychiatric and neurological issues. When you rebalance these systems, your brain (and body) will heal itself AUTOMATICALLY. It doesn’t take years to do it.

We all know now more than ever-Health is a number 1 priority.

Are you keeping these balanced? If not- reach out.

Loving You



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